Well I (steve) just got my GPS this weekend and good timing too because there are so many confluence points that we have not conquered. Koop, Jadon and I had to go to Caronport for the day from Regina and found it very desireable to take a detour through 50N 105W. Being our first confluence point ever, the trip was highly energetic. This confluence point is a few kilometers away from Avonlea, SK and it was quite a delight to find the confluence in a ravine surrounded by flat plains. It made the journey more difficult, more scenic, and more conducive to wildlife viewing. Out of sheer enthusiasm and excitement we parked the car withing a couple km of the confluence point and took off sprinting like wildmen. Someone made the wise decision to walk along, I mean on the creek and it wasn't too long before Jadon's left foot cracked through the ice. For good reason though – we spotted a beaver and decided to go looking for it after our mission was complete. We trudged through the foot of snow spotting numerous deer and random abandoned outhouses. We sprinted across a farmers yard and decided to bail ourselves out if we got in trouble rather than being proactive and asking any sort of permission.
Finally we crossed a couple more frozen creeks (wisely sending Jadon to run across first) and got to the confluence point in record time. Next came the most difficult part of the journey – getting the GPS to center on the exact point while walking around on the side of a snowy hill (it had to be so exact cause we had to do it right). Next came a few more pics – of course we framed the traditional GQ pic revealing some skin for all the desperate fans hoping our successful journey and safe return. On the way back we snuck up on that beaver I mentioned earlier and he jumped into a hole in the ice. We contemplated whether he would attempt suicide or come up for air despite the fact we were standing around the only exit. Eventually he did pop up his cute, furry little head and we got a good pic and really connected with the guy for a few minutes. ah….hmmm…. With no further suspence, this confluence rating is as follows:
Difficulty: 3 (mild terrain, non-strenuous, low elevation, frozen streams)
Enjoyment: 7 (first conquering experience, high energy, non-plains)
We highly recommend venturing to this point. Most of south Saskatchewan is pretty flat and boring. This point takes you through a delightful hike of varried terrain.