It was late in the evening and getting pretty cool so we decided that we would pull into the next electrical camp site so we could plug in the camper van. We saw the sign (see pic 1) and it looked like any other site so we pulled in and pulled into a site. I went to try and find the reception place but the grounds were empty. There was one other camper van so I decided to stay anyway. I plugged in and for some reason the grounds still had power.
We stayed the night after using the bathrooms (water was turned off in the toilets – oops). The next morning things started to look suspicious. In the kitchen unit there were two advertisements – one was for a person who does nude caricatures and the other said "would your family like this?" and it showed some nude families on a beach. Shrugging and continuing to search for somewhere to pay I found nothing and we drove away thankful for our free stay and use of the facilities. One the way out we gasped at the entrance sign (pic 2) that we had missed on the way in because it was dark the previous night.