Kevin and I are chillin' in this backpacker hangout of Chile, San Pedro de Atacama. I can see why everyone hangs around here. The place is a little oasis in the middle of the dryest desert in the world. It has never rained here which makes the skies crystal clear every night and the mountain views spectacular. Around the city there are geysers and salt flats and a mountain biker's dreamland. Today we spent the whole day mountain biking – I have never seen anything like the area here. There are these beautiful canyons that you can bike through – amazing views and great trails. There are ruins and fortresses and other things to visit. It is just incredible.

Kevin and I have never stayed in one place more than 2 nights. This might just break our tradition. We are staying 3 maybe 4 nights so far. Tomorrow we are getting up at 4am to take a little tour of some geysers that can only be seen in their glory at sunrise. We also found the cheapest cabins to stay in. They have hot showers and comfortable beds – even a little kitchen. We have been running around the town finding ingredients to whip together the most amazing creations yet. This place is definitely the highlight so far. After this we are going back through Argentina towards Paraguay. We were not able to get Paraguay visas before cause we didn't have all the paperwork. We are going to try just going to the border and begging or something. We'll see what happens.


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