When a summer person sees a mountain like Big White the first thought is far from any winter activity. Soon after “all this stuff on the mountain” follows, “how can I summit this thing”. Our friends at Big White have heard. It is possible to hike Big White, although they take the challenge away by letting you ride the chairlifts most of the way.

Directions To Trailhead:
It shouldn’t be hard to find Big White – a turn 45 mins south of Kelowna off of highway 33. It’s probably a good idea to make sure that the resort is open before heading up the hill. There are various weekend special events which ensure that lifts and trails are open. It could be possible to hike when the lifts aren’t open but it would take a heck of a lot longer.

Hike time: 1-1.5 hours
Trail Length: 1.5km one way (from the top of the bullet chair to the summit)
Elevation gain: 180m
GPS: Not necessary
Easy to Keep on Trail: yes