Happen to be passing through Black Mountain or want something really quick? This is the one. Didn’t get your stair climbs in today? Got it covered. 324 or so stairs gets you most of the way to a little lookout with views over East Kelowna. Even the kids can make this one happen in 30-40 mins.

324 stairs (8 year old counting)
View looking West from the lookout

Directions to Trailhead:

Take Black Mountain Drive north off of Hwy 33 and continue just past Lund park. After this keep looking right and the first staircase is visible. There is a second entrance on Stockly St. This one makes the walk a 10 min round trip instead of 40 and misses all the stairs.

Black Knight Mountain seen from the east lookout

Downtown Kelowna to Trailhead: 15 mins
Return time: 30-40 mins
Trail Length: 4.5 km one way
Elevation gain: 130m
GPS: Not necessary
Easy to Stay on trail: Yes

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