Charles W. Busk cam to the Nelson, BC area in the late 1880s and established an estate on what is now Kokanee Creek provincial park land. The estate included a 6-bedroom home, orchards, tennis court, soccer field, and swimming pool.

Exploring the abandoned pool on the old Busk estate

At present, the home is long gone and all that remains is a network of trails through the forest. The keen eye will be able to locate the foundation of the mansion and the front steps which are made of stone. The real prize is locating what remains of the old pool. It is in remarkably good condition and looks like it just needs a gentle clean and a fill in order to be used once again. Mr. Busk also planted a copper beech tree which has been growing now for a hundred years now – worth a look! It’s near the rock wall foundation of the mansion.

100 year old copper beech tree