Directions to Trailhead

Take Victoria Rd south out of Summerland. Turn on Simpson Rd then Fyffe Rd and finally Fenwick Rd. There is an obvious parking area on the road near the entrance with signs for the Trans Canada Trail. It is also possible to access Conkle from the west side off Bathville Rd.

Giant’s Head in view at the summit

Suggested Route

The trails on Conkle Mountain are designed primarily by and for the downhill biking community but hikers frequent them as well. Hikers will find the trails overly loopy and want more direct routes up and down. For this reason, try taking Frontside up (Full Frontal meanders gratuitously back and forth). For the return journey from the top, try Conkle Bonk cutting over to Midline to wrap back around to the beginning.

There are great views of Okanagan Lake from the top with Giant’s Head front and centre.

Gazebo lookout off Conkle Bonk trail
click for higher resolution version

Summerland to Trailhead: 10 mins
Trail Return time: 3-4 hours
Trail Length: 8km total for loop described above
Elevation gain: 350m
GPS: Not necessary – lack of underbrush makes navigation straight-forward
Easy to Stay on trail: Trails are well trodden with a few trail name signs

Conkle Bonk lookout with bench
View north off the back of Mt. Conkle

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