The death of the king father Norodom Sihanouk is no doubt the biggest event of the century for Cambodians. 1.2 million people lined the streets of his funeral procession today. This is a ridiculously high percentage of the population – almost the entire population of Phnom Penh. Those who didn’t attend had their eyes glued to the television.
We joined the masses on Sihanouk Blvd and waiting in the hot sun for 4 hours was worth it. Not for the funeral procession which was quite simple considering royal death but just to feel the energy of the masses. Even though foreigners consider the king father a bit of a colourful two-faced character, the local people reveal him as a god king. One week after the funeral, many claimed to see the king’s effigy carved into the waning moon, surely securing his celestial guardianship for all eternity.