Amie loaded with medications - they came in a little goodie back which has since disappeared.
The Royal Rattanak Hospital - it shoudl be called a hotel.

The day we headed back to Phnom Penh from our adventure in Koh Chang, I had a brutal headache and my neck and shoulders felt like they were being torn apart by a vice. I thought that Iƒ??d probably slept funny ƒ?? and Iƒ??ve gone for physio in the past for my shoulder so I didnƒ??t really think too much about it.

But then the fever came. I felt so hot all the time ƒ?? hotter than I normally feel in Cambodia. I rested and tried not to think too much about it. Then one evening, I took my temperature to confirm that I did indeed have a fever and sure enough ƒ?? 39 degrees celcius. So we went to bed and somewhere in the middle of the night I woke up in chills and burning up all at the same time.

We went to the hospital the next morning.

Now this isnƒ??t your ordinary hospital. The Royal Rattanak Hospital is a Thai thing ƒ?? and itƒ??s more like walking into a hotel than walking into a hospital. You know that hospital smell we all hate? Well instead of that, we got elevator music, drink dispensers scattered around the waiting area, leather furniture, no less than seven attendants waiting on us hand and foot, and no bad smell. It was a dream come true.

They did your typical exams then I spoke with the doctor who promptly ordered a blood test. Two hours later I got the results: Dengue Fever and Typhoid. No fun to say the least, but sometimes any news is better than not knowing at all.

Itƒ??s been over a week since that hospital visit and after an incredibly powerful round of antibiotics, tylenol and lots of sleep, Iƒ??m more or less back to normal.

A big thanks to everyone who thought about me while all of this was happening.


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