Directions to Trailhead:
Take the Princeton Ave exit off of HWY 97 in Peachland. Parking for Gladstone Trail is along Harrington Cr (off Victoria St).
To save some elevation gain, it is also possible to park on Gerrie Ave (also off Victoria St) and take the ATV trail.
Trail Features:
The Gladstone Trail was officially opened in 2018. Here is an interesting article about the trailbuilders:
The trail features an uphill approach with gratuitous loopy switchbacks, offering a grade suitable for all. After a couple hundred metres of elevation gain, the trail loops around a hilltop offering great views towards Okanagan lake. At the furthest point of the loop, there is a short detour to visit a 400 year old ponderosa pine tree.

Haven’t had enough? Why not search for other interesting trails in the area?

Thanks for a great video
Our group of hikers will be going this wednesday and the info on your website is very helpful
Glad to hear! Enjoy!