Monk Cave, Backdoor

The town of Hedley is situated where the twenty mile creek (Hedley Creek) joins with the Similkameen river. There is a lot of history up this creek. It was an early 20th century route up to the KVR trail for example. It’s been dammed because of mining in the area and old stave pipes / flumes run along the banks. Numerous bridges like Ted’s suspension bridge once crisscrossed the creek:

Ted’s suspension bridge (click for more on this)

Years later after the elements long erased most of this, a Buddhist monk built a house in an abandoned cave/tunnel along the river and lived there on and off for several years. Finding what’s left of that and noting all the rest of what history has left along the way makes for a mighty fine day trip!

The journey up river isn’t a very easy one but to those seeking a little adventure, it isn’t overly difficult or taxing. It does involve fording the river a few times and a little bushwhacking though.

The last remnants of any bridge across the creek

Though the cave dwelling is long abandoned, rumour has it that Leon (the monk) still lives in the area. Keep your eyes peeled!

Back door to lookout
Finally reaching the cave entrance

Just imagine spending a few winters completely isolated here a couple hours walk from town!