Amie trying to eat her sleeping bag
A curious marmot posing for the camera
Amie and Steve on 'the Nub' with Mt Assiniboia in the background
Mt Assiniboia from The Nub
Mt. Assiniboia from Lake MagogAmie sitting beside the paintbrushsAmie's disgusting blistery feetAmie relaxing at Goat Lake in Waterton Lakes National ParkSummit of Newton Peak near WatertonHiking across an avalanche towards Newton PeakReady to get hiking in Waterton Lakes National ParkIce Cream in Waterton Village

This summer Amie and I have really enjoyed several day hikes and overnight trips. Great scenery, good exercise, wonderful friendships, food, and stories!

The most notable trips were hiking in Waterton Lakes National Park and hiking into Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Park, BC.

Mt. Assiniboine Provincial Park is only accessable on foot and helocopter. We opted for the former and had to work hard to fit the trip into 4 days. We ended up hiking around 80km in 4 days (a record 28.5km on day 1) over mountain ranges and through beautiful meadows. Besides great times and conversation with Matt + Jocelyn, it was great to eat and socialize with other hikers at the campsites. Everyone has something in common after hiking into the park. The conversations usually revolved around the weather or the current visibility and view of Mt. Assiniboine. 80km definitely took a toll on our bodies but nevertheless, we still played a full week of ultimate starting the day after we got back.

In Waterton we hiked with Cody + Nicole and camped at Goat Lake. We had the campsite to ourselves – right next to a pristine alpine lake. Again, an inspiring experience with inspiring company. The hike to Avion Ridge among the red rock mountains is like nothing else in the Rockies!


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