When we heard that there was still some wreckage to be found south of Hope from a 1966 airplane crash, we had to see if we could find it. Attempting just after winter wasn’t the greatest idea but we managed to survive the trek!

One interesting aspect of this particular aircraft is the readily available information online about the crash and the type of airplane. There are even exact pictures of the aircraft. It was a Royal Canadian Air Force owned Grumman CSR-110 Albatross #9302.

On 23 April 1966, the aircraft departed RCAF Station Comox, British Columbia and crashed on the Hope Slide near Hope, BC. Five crew members were killed but miraculously, the sixth survived.
F/l Philip Montgomery was a friend. I cut his lawn and washed his car. He was a Red Cross swimming instructor and helped me advance my swimming skills. He left behind a beautiful wife and daughter. Sad to have lost Philip when we did. May he Rest In Peace.
Very interesting that you knew him. Thanks for sharing!
My brother Chris died in that crash…what an awful day. The sole survivor, captain Bob Reid, keeps the memories of his crew alive with a regular gathering at the memorial. He scrambled down to the highway from the exploding wreck, flight suit burned off him, and was taken to hospital by a Mountie. He suffered terribly.
He told me that somehow the violence of the impact tore his watch off(!) and said “that mountain owes me a watch!”