Nope Dad, we haven’t been attacked by Shining Path yet and we weren’t on that bus wreak containing all the Canadians. But we have been on many buses recently. We are heading northward to Ecuador quickly cause we are running out of time. We just finished a couple days in South Peru in the Colca Canyon near Arequipa. The canyon is the deepest in the world and a great place to catch a glimpse of some condors.

We have been getting a little sick of traveling lately and have been making excuses to find luxuries whenever we can. For example, instead of 3 meals a day we go to a good restaurant and eat enough for the whole day. A couple days ago we walked into a buffet (cost 17 Soles). We planned to eat for the whole day and the owners noticed. We got the bill and it said we owed 25 Soles each! We were furious cause it was supposed to be all you can eat. They said we ate too much. Some of the people in the restaurant started trying to help us out too by this time. Then they switched their minds and said we ate too many deserts. Now, I did have 8 or 10 desert plates but still, it was all you can eat right? After some extended persuasion, we got out paying no extra.

Another luxury – we decided to try a more expensive bus for once. This one had full reclining seats, served supper, and had movies! The funniest part was after the first movie, the conductor handed around bingo cards. We were laughing our heads off but played along as he read the numbers over the bus intercom system. Ryan almost won. I think it is good that we only have a couple weeks left cause we are finding it difficult to be the cheapest ever. However, as for hygiene, Kevin still insists on being The Bum.


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