Cedar leaning in for one
Winged Chinese kids
Aya + Dad
Swingin' with mom
Aya on an adventureCedar blue steel and the restWith ming AimeeAya's two! Homemade elephant birthday cakeSafety in the poolDuplo shoesAyaAya in bug suitNice hair and water wingsEaster egg hunt with bunny basketAya jokinDazed from over-appingSliding with EzraAya climbing in KepKids on the couch [Aya, Ezra, baby Ezra, Sam, Cedar]Aya + Sam at high teaAya swimming in the waterfall with MomAya bugging Samea like usualFlower in my hairAya rode an elephant! [and screamed like crazy]Aya swingin' with SamAya making friendsAya at Bu Sra waterfall in MondulkiriDad with Aya n SamAya road trip breakfastingAya Mekong CruzingSwinging with SameaAya loves the pool!Missed her nap and then fell asleep in her moto helmetHappy kids in the springCelestial kissPicnic in the park?Winter bunniesCedar the protectorAya making friends in the parkCharades in the bedroom

Our family of three is about to end and it's definitely Aya's life that's probably going to change the most. She is pretty happy and spoiled these days and although she enjoys the spotlight, she's probably also ready for a bit of companionship.

Aya just celebrated her 2nd birthday and invited her friends to an Asian style photo shoot. As is custom, the kids wear ridiculous outfits and the photographer Photoshops in a surprise background for every shot. Here are some of the pictures from that event as well as others back to the beginning of 2013.

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