We spent last weekend in Piura in Northern Peru staying with a family that Ryan is distantly related to. Staying with the Falks was refreshing and they made us feel at home. Some of the memorable events were eating yuka and plantain dishes along with seafood cooked (supposedly) in lemon juice. We also drank purple corn juice which was amazing and made various fruit shakes out of the passion fruit tree behind the house. One day after lunch we went walking looking for wild iguanas. When we had found enough we entertained ourselves by making scorpions attack each other.

That’s it for Peru though! On our way out we made sure to stock up on the essentials – Coca tea and Inca Cola. It is difficult to leave these essentials but we have a good stock that should last for a while as long as we can survive carrying our heavy new burlap sacks full of stuff.

We arrived to Ecuador this morning and to the town of Vilcabamba. Supposedly many people live here to well over 100 so we are going to scope out the city to find the reason and/or the fountain of eternal youth. We have been quite successful in trying all the typical local dishes in each country. How delighted we were to read that the Ecuadorian food of choice is bull penis. We are definitely going to have to look into this!


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