Many countries have their Sugarloaf hike and Canada is no exception. The Okanagan’s Sugarloaf is one of those hikes that a local has to mention otherwise you might not ever discover it. It’s tucked away on the west side of Okanagan Lake between Kelowna and Vernon on the least frequented portion of Westside Road.

From the get-go, the trail heads uphill. At times it gets a little steep and doesn’t let up until the flat plateau at the top. After reaching said plateau, there is a little loop that connects various lookouts, giving a thorough view of Okanagan Lake and valley.

Directions To Trailhead:
Sugarloaf is pretty much the same distance from either Kelowna or Vernon. From Kelowna, cross the bridge to the West side and turn onto Westside Road. Drive past Bear Creek, Trader’s cove and Fintry. At around 40km there is a sign for Evely Recreation Site. Instead of turning toward the lake into this campground, branch left and up into the hills. Follow this unmarked road as it turns to gravel and at 3.7km you will see a sign for the Sugarloaf trailhead.
From Vernon, head north and take the Kamloops exit and follow Hwy 97 west until there is a clear exit for Westside Road. Around 23km later turn right at the Evely Recreation site. Follow this road past some gravel pits and just as above, there should be a sign for the Sugarloaf trailhead at around 3.7km from Westside Road.

Distance from Vernon to Trailhead: 42km
Walking time: 2-3 hours
Trail Length: 4.8km round trip
Elevation gain: 320m
GPS: Not necessary
Easy to Keep on Trail: yes
this last weekend no one on the hike but me and my two leonbergers…always a great view..
Thanks for putting out this information Steve. I ventured out on March 16, 2021 for an early campout at Evely and was looking for a nice hike.
Needed my 4×4 to get to the trail head as the road had some ice and snowy parts along with a good climb. Once on the hike it was fairly well marked but I ran into deep snow near the summit and lost my way to the finish. Tons of Moose poop along the trail and in the trees but all I saw for wildlife was one chipmunk! I will definitely be back in later Spring to get to the top!
I found that I can go up through Westshore Estates to Dogwood Drive, at the end of which there is a solid trail (a rough road really) around the mountain to piece of aluminum on the suddenly ascending trail that is crudely printed with the words: “Sugarloaf Mountain, 9k” with an arrow pointing up. Might be an easier way to start. I plan to do the day hike in the next two weeks.
You took the long way round, dweeb. Go past the recycling station up the forest road by Evely!
I hope it’s okay to insult myself!