Steve troubleshooting a computer
Amie teaching a Microsoft Publisher workshop
Amie at salsa classes
Steve and Mary at salsa classes
Amie with a cute kid

We keep on getting questions about what we're actually doing here. So here it goes!

Everything in this country starts at the relational level; it's all about who you know and who you're related to. Before we can get to any real 'work', our coworkers have to know us, trust us, and understand what we're all about. That means we spend a lot of our time hanging out with people at work which is a completely legitimate way to pass a day at the office. It brings the pace of life, especially office life, to a crawl. It has certainly forced the two of us – brought up and schooled with the Western values of goals, deadlines, efficiency, productivity, time=money, to alter some of our attitudes and understanding about the workplace.

I have been spending time teaching people to use Microsoft Publisher, (note the picture of my Publisher training session) helping out with loose ends at Stichting Mamio Namen Projekt and other Aids Organizations (sometimes just holding babies at some of the orphanages)

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