Barber Mountain is nothing special aside from the fact that its high point is very close to the US-Canada border. It is also just plain fun to hike to border monuments. Each monument is numbered and this gives a rough idea of distance from the start of the border line near Vancouver.
There is no signage or trail markings for this hike but the ‘trail’ starts exactly 1.7km (north) up the road from the US border. There are some gravel side roads to park on. The trail starts as a rough road through a field and turns into singletrack for a loop up the mountain. One must ‘bushwhack’ off the loop trail to reach the ‘summit’. There are few trees and bushes so bushwhacking is straightforward. There is no visible trail in most places up to the summit so just follow the ridgeline and keep going up.

From the top there are excellent views along the US-Canada border line, Mt. Chopaka, and down into the Similkameen river valley.

Note the different shades of vegetation north and south of the border