Only discovered in 2012, the Bisaro Anima cave has been found to be the deepest cave in Canada. There are new ever deeper passageways being discovered every year. In 2021, a new passage was found pushing the depth to 683m!

We can leave these new discoveries to expert spelunkers as one of the jaw-dropping cave openings is easily accessible to the average hiker. This cave opening is now the most popular site on what has become known as Heiko’s Trail (a 20km endeavor from Hartley Pass to Island Lake).

Reaching the cave first requires a 12km drive on Hartley Lake Road near Fernie. This can be achieved easily with an SUV and probably 2WD. Turning off the forestry road doesn’t quite get you to the trailhead. A 4×4 ride of 2km or a walk down a dirt road finally makes it to the official Heiko trailhead.
From the trailhead, expect a 3km hike one way with an elevation gain of 200m.